Social Justice At The Movies

Social Justice

Social Justice by Elle Ko on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

Relevant Magazine recommends five films with social justice themes.

If you have a Netflix subscription, you can watch them on that service.

Have you seen any of this? Will you? Are they capable of changing your mind and your actions?

Future Trends

What will the world we are heading into be like? Here are some ideas. In fact, some of them are already present. Will they affect how we proclaim the Gospel in word and deed, as we consider how people will perceive what it means to be human, as we see world hunger increase, and so on?

The Bible Mini-Series

KJV Bible

KJV Bible by David Campbell on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

More resources from Scripture Union, following yesterday’s post: ‘The Bible’, a 10-hour mini-series featuring some of the best-loved stories, is crossing the Atlantic and will be shown on Channel 5 TV during December. If you want to help your church and community engage with this, then SU have some resources to help. There is a Bible Bank smartphone app (available for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone), and there is an e-book, Walking With The Bible.

Take a look and see whether these could help your outreach during Advent and Christmas this year.