From Church To Chaplaincy?

London Chaplaincy Team

London Chaplaincy Team, 14th February 2010 by Dean Ayres on Flickr. Some rights reservied.

Do chaplains have an increasingly important part to play in Christian outreach as church attendance declines? A new report suggests so. You can read about it here, and buy or download the actual report itself here.

Martin Luther King: Loving Our Enemies As Mission

On 17th November 1957, Martin Luther King preached a sermon at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. An audio extract has been preserved. Listen to how MLK links the Cross to love for enemies and hence to transformation in the world.

Reconnecting Church With The Community For Mission


Neighbourhood by Nicola Since 1972 on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

One of the most depressing features of many churches is the number of people who think that if we just tweak what we are doing right now in a certain way (which often happens to chime with their personal tastes) then we will finally get ‘bums on pews’ again. (And yes, it is put that crudely at times.)

However, in an age when it is no longer normal to visit a church, let alone attend it regularly, this is surely a vain hope. Does the church not need to reconnect with the local community, in order to share the Gospel in word and deed? Kirk Kirlin recommends five strategies to do just that. Do these constitute a valid set of challenges that you, your church and her members could and would take up?

Church As Resource Centre


Congregation by Kevin McGee on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

What is the emphasis in your church? Is it just about recruiting people to do church jobs, or is it on resourcing the congregation to live faithful lives in the world?

Here is an account of the latter. Yes, it may envisage a larger church than many typical British churches if it can gather together a whole coterie of teachers, but possibilities would still be present in smaller congregations.

Is this at the very least a challenge to the question of how world-facing some of our churches are?

Chaplaincy Everywhere

Chaplain Kammer

Chaplain Kammer by Herald Post on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

Chaplains are official representatives of the church who bear God’s love in all sorts of areas of life outside the church. Schools, hospitals, shopping centres, prisons, football clubs, the armed services and many more you’ve never thought about.

Chaplaincy isn’t just for ordained ministers, either. Regular, committed church members can be chaplains, too.

Read and download the Chaplaincy Everywhere report, which also contains reference to an accessible training course.