From Evidence To Action


Action-D! by David Goehring on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

In January 2014, the Church of England published an excellent church growth resource called From Anecdote To Evidence. Now comes the follow-up: a website called From Evidence To Action. It provides all sorts of resources – articles, stories, workbooks, and more. Take a look.

(HT: David Flavell.)

Why Established Churches Should Plant New Churches

Fluffly plants

Fluffy Plants by Tom Olliver on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

With a few honourable exceptions, church as we know it isn’t reaching new people for Christ. Is it possible that all our talk of turning around existing churches is wrong? Might we be better offering terminal care to older churches while bringing to birth newer congregations that are more attuned to the generations that are absent from our traditional churches?

American Baptist thinker Ed Stetzer proposes six reasons why existing churches should plant new churches. And actually, his six reasons (especially number four) hold out hope that older congregations will themselves be revitalised by the process.

Is your church planting another? Is your group of churches considering it?