Worship And Mission

Noel and Tricia Richards

Noel and Tricia Richards

It has been said that ‘mission exists because worship doesn’t’. That is, Christians engage in God’s mission, because there are many more people who can be brought to worship the living God.

And yet … worship music has been so popular in the church over the last twenty or thirty years that sometimes we get so hooked on our favourite worship styles that we forget mission.

Among the many songwriters who have been to the fore of the contemporary worship revolution have been Noel and Tricia Richards. However, they have realised in recent times that they need to write songs that are accessible to those who are not regular churchgoers as well. This has resulted in their new recording ‘Favourite Place’, downloadable here from iTunes, and available soon on CD.

To see what this means in practice, why not come to their concert at Knaphill Methodist Church on Saturday 16th November at 7:30 pm? Use the Contact Us page on the church’s website to get in touch about tickets, which are priced at only £8.